Ex 4: Creative Critical Response
Anything goes, so long as you
Depending on class size, everyone will have about five minutes. If you double up with a partner, the two of you will share 10 minutes.
- produce something to be performed or otherwise shared during class time
- demonstrate your ability to engage creatively and critically with a literary text from our syllabus
- articulate your goals and a meaningful way of assessing your achievement
- reflect on your accomplishment (quoting from responses you receive from your classmates)
Depending on class size, everyone will have about five minutes. If you double up with a partner, the two of you will share 10 minutes.
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Heather Mourick on Ex 4: Creative Critical Response: http://blogs.setonhill.edu/Hea
Dennis G. Jerz on Ex 4: Creative Critical Response: Michelle, I don't have a speci
Michelle Siard on Ex 4: Creative Critical Response: How long would the poem have t
Dennis G. Jerz on Ex 4: Creative Critical Response: I would expect the writing to
Kayla Lesko on Ex 4: Creative Critical Response: I'm curious, for the original
Dennis G. Jerz on Ex 4: Creative Critical Response: Michelle, I don't have a speci
Michelle Siard on Ex 4: Creative Critical Response: How long would the poem have t
Dennis G. Jerz on Ex 4: Creative Critical Response: I would expect the writing to
Kayla Lesko on Ex 4: Creative Critical Response: I'm curious, for the original
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I'm curious, for the original short story, do you mean writing something based on something we read or something along the lines of fanfiction (I'm doubting on this, but thought I'd ask anyway)?
I would expect the writing to have something to do with our syllabus. Maybe a scene from Huck Finn, told from Jim's point of view, something like that.
How long would the poem have to be?
Michelle, I don't have a specific word count in mind, but bear in mind you have five minutes to fill.
and here are the pictures that I took!