Revised Midterm Portfolio
- Screencast w/ audio of first-time volunteer using your Scratch project
- Updated project
- Screencast of you demonstrating changes in project
Inform 7
- Screencast w/ audio of first-time volunteer using your Inform 7 project
(you can use someone who already knows interactive fiction) - Updated project
- Screencast of you demonstrating changes in project
Web App
- if it's not technically possible to record a screencast from an iPad, document a volunteer's experience as best as you can. (Video camera pointed at screen? We'll figure something out.)
- Updated project
- Screencast of you demonstrating changes in project
- CSS for screen, iPad, mobile, and print.
- A main page that operates as the center for this entire portfolio, perhaps with links to separate pages on each unit, perhaps all in one.
- I recommend that you blog major milestones as you go, rather than wait until the last minute. (You are welcome to use class time to blog.)
- The organization is up to you, as are choices that you make about how much information you provide, how you use hyperlinks and linked text, and how to make it as easy as possible for a potential employer to view your accomplishments.
Categories: due_dates
Do we need to add all the previous blogs that we did for each unit (like those in the last portfolio)? Or only the new ones we've made for our most recent updates.
The sum of a project lies in its ability to captivate someone.
Screencast's: The ultimate way to present your work.
Media, Media and more Media
A Portfolio of New Media Projects and my mental struggle
Revision is bitter sweet.
Revision makes things better... and so does coffee. Lots of coffee.
CoffeeCoffeeCoffeeCoffeeCoffee. Please. Coffee...