5. Course Requirements
Technology Issues
Just as students in generations past learned to carry an extra inkhorn and spare lamp wicks, there are certain common-sense strategies that will help you do the necessary work. Print out a copy of the course syllabus, and print out online readings in advance, so that you can work on the readings if the internet happens to be down. Get in the habit of e-mailing drafts to yourself, so that you can retrieve them from your archives if you lose your thumb drive.
While drafts themselves are not assigned letter grades, failure to submit a full draft (proper assigned length, good faith effort, submitted on time) will affect your grade in two ways. It will detract from your overall Revision Paper Grade and it will detract from your Drafts and Paragraphs Grade. Be aware that "revision" means global changes to an assignment based on guidance from your instructor, not merely changing errors. You will be shown sample problems in the paper and instructed to find and change similar problems on your own.
Categories: syllabus