August 2008 Archives

Assigned Text:

SFW 1-2, Prompt & Focus

Read chapters 1 and 2 of SF Writer, and complete a worksheet designed to help you focus your ideas for Ex 1-1.

The worksheet:

In-class Activity

Ex 1-1: My Passion (Showing)

Assuming all goes well during our introduction to MyCompLab, this is what we'll cover in the remaining time.
Due Today:

Ex 1-0: I, Writer

In about 200 carefully chosen words, teach me who you are as a writer. Use vivid examples that unite to illustrate a single main idea. Do it all in a single, well-crafted paragraph.

Bring an electronic version of your assignment to class. (You can use a thumb drive, put it on your I drive, or e-mail it to yourself.)

Your objectives are to demonstrate your ability to
  • focus on a single subject, and
  • craft a well-organized paragraph with a topic sentence, supporting details, and a conclusion.
Due Today:

MyCompLab Passkey

You will need your MyCompLab passkey for today's class. The passkey is available from the SHU bookstore, in a package that you get when you purchase the textbook, SF Writer.
During today's class, you will walk through what you need to know in order to use the course website, MyCompLab, and (You should already have your SHU e-mail and computer accounts by now.)
I ran into a snag when I tried to e-mail this message to the whole class, but I'm posting it here in the hopes that most of you will see it.

This message reminds you where to look for upcoming homework assignments, announces a small change in my office hours, and requests help for a student who needs a note-taker.

In-class Activity

Ex 1-0: I, Writer (Focus)

In-class Activity

Peer Introductions

In-class Activity


In-class Activity

Informal Reflection

Welcome to LA 100, "Basic Composition." The course website is

The official version of the syllabus is always the online version (though I will notify you in advance of any significant changes).

In Class

After introductions, we'll get started writing right away. I'll announce the topic in class.

For homework, revise your informal in-class writing into a polished paragraph, about 200 words, due the next time the class meets.  (See the EX 1-1 assignment page.)

Also for homework, make sure that you have purchased your own MyCompLab access code from the bookstore. (It comes bundled with the SF Writer.)

Recent Comments

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