Final Self-Assessment: Rough Draft
Now that the semester is almost over, I'm not calling the next revision of Individual Learning Plan a "plan" anymore -- it's time to start looking back and assessing your accomplishments.
This is 3-4 page essay. Like any essay, come up with a thesis statement that makes a specific, debatable claim, and back up your claim with evidence (in the form of very brief, direct quotations from your work, reading assignments, the comments I leave on your papers, etc.).
This is 3-4 page essay. Like any essay, come up with a thesis statement that makes a specific, debatable claim, and back up your claim with evidence (in the form of very brief, direct quotations from your work, reading assignments, the comments I leave on your papers, etc.).
This is really Individual Learning Plan draft 5, but we have to give it a new name, since there isn't any time left to "plan" your individual learning.For guidance, take a look at my comments on ILP3 and ILP4, noting that the evaluation rubric asks you to make explicit reference to how your results on the MyCompLab pre-test guided your choice of additional MyCompLab exercises.
Categories: due_dates
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Dennis G. Jerz on Final Self-Assessment: Rough Draft: A student asks:
Dr. Jerz,
For the Final Self-Asse
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A student asks:
For the Final Self-Assessment due next class, I was wondering if we are meant to simply add on to our ILP 4 like we have been doing for each ILP. Or are you expecting us to re-write a completely new essay, using our previous ILP's as support?
My reply:
Good question.
I think you can certainly re-use sections that work, but rather than just adding on, I'd like you to think of this as a new document that assesses (by looking back), rather than planning (by looking forward).