- 2009.12.07: FSA Revision
- 2009.12.03: Wrap-up
- 2009.12.01: Post Test
- 2009.12.01: Writing Workshop
- 2009.11.24: FSA Draft
- 2009.11.24: FSA Peer Review
- 2009.11.24: Writing Workshop
- 2009.11.19: P12
- 2009.11.19: FSA Workshop
- 2009.11.17: Essay 3 Reflection
- 2009.11.17: Essay 3 Revision
- 2009.11.17: Grammar Post-test
- 2009.11.12: P11
- 2009.11.12: Final Self-Assessment (FSA) Workshop
- 2009.11.10: ILP Reflection
- 2009.11.10: ILP Discussion
- 2009.11.05: P10
- 2009.11.03: SFW 18e-f: Effectiveness, Fallacies
- 2009.11.03: Essay 3 Peer Review
- 2009.11.03: Consultations
- 2009.10.29: SFW 18c-d: Logic, Structure
- 2009.10.29: P9: Write a "Con" Argument against P8
- 2009.10.29: Writing Workshop
- 2009.10.27: SFW 18a-b: Claim, Evidence
- 2009.10.27: Essay 3 Draft
- 2009.10.27: Writing Workshop
- 2009.10.22: P8: Explain a Position
- 2009.10.22: Writing Workshop
- 2009.10.20: ILP Addendum
- 2009.10.20: SFW 12 c-e: Paragraphs
- 2009.10.20: Writing Workshop
- 2009.10.15: SFW 12a-b: Paragraphs
- 2009.10.15: P7: Correct a Misconception
- 2009.10.15: Essay 3 Prewriting
- 2009.10.08: SFW 11b-d: Rhythm
- 2009.10.08: Essay 2 Reflection
- 2009.10.08: Essay 2 Revision
- 2009.10.08: ILP Midterm Reflection
- 2009.10.08: Revision Workshop
- 2009.10.06: SFW 11a: Style
- 2009.10.06: P6
- 2009.10.06: Essay 2 Discussion
- 2009.10.01: Essay 2 Peer Review
- 2009.10.01: Consultations
- 2009.09.29: Essay 2 Draft
- 2009.09.29: Intro/Conclusion
- 2009.09.24: SFW 10b: Reduce Wordiness
- 2009.09.24: Essay 1 Revision
- 2009.09.24: Essay 2 Prewriting
- 2009.09.22: Writing Center Visit
- 2009.09.22: SFW 10a: Active Sentences
- 2009.09.22: ILP Revision
- 2009.09.22: P5
- 2009.09.22: Revision Workshop
- 2009.09.17: SFW 8: Language Choices
- 2009.09.17: Essay 1 Peer Review
- 2009.09.17: Essay 1 Discussion
- 2009.09.15: P4: My Secret
- 2009.09.15: Organization
- 2009.09.11: Essay 1 Draft
- 2009.09.10: No Class
- 2009.09.08: SFW 7: Revising & Proofreading
- 2009.09.08: P3: My Strength
- 2009.09.08: Prewriting Workshop; Thesis Statements
- 2009.09.03: SFW 5-6 Structure & Drafting
- 2009.09.03: ILP Drafting Assignment
- 2009.09.03: P2: My Passion
- 2009.09.03: Consultations
- 2009.09.01: SFW 3-4
- 2009.09.01: Individual Learning Plan
- 2009.09.01: Writing Process
- 2009.09.01: Sample ILPs
- 2009.09.01: Pretest Self-Analysis Essay
- 2009.09.01: ILP Workshop
- 2009.08.27: MyCompLab pretest slideshow
- 2009.08.27: Discuss P1
- 2009.08.27: P1: I, Writer
- 2009.08.27: SF Writer: CH 1 & 2
- 2009.08.27: Grammar Pre-test
- 2009.08.27: MyCompLab Passkey
- 2009.08.27: Course Procedures
- 2009.08.25: Workshop
- 2009.08.25: P1: I, Writer (Focus)
- 2009.08.25: Expressive Writing
- 2009.08.25: College Success
- 2009.08.25: Informal Reflection
- 2009.08.25: Peer Introductions
- 2009.08.25: Course Overview
- 2009.07.31: Looking for Help?
- 2009.07.28: direct quotation
- 2009.07.28: paraphrase
- 2009.07.28: revision
- 2009.07.22: 6. Assignments
- 2009.07.22: plagiarism (and academic integrity)
- 2009.07.22: 5.5 Important Notices
- 2009.07.22: 5.4 Texts
- 2009.07.22: 5.3 Submissions and Late Work
- 2009.07.22: 5.2 Participation
- 2009.07.22: 5.1 Attendance
- 2009.07.22: 5. Course Requirements
- 2009.07.22: 4. Course Objectives and Philosophy
- 2009.07.22: 3. Course Description
- 2009.07.22: 2. Instructor
- 2009.07.22: 1. Where and When
Recent Comments
amanda on FSA Draft: what needs to be included in the final self- asses
Dennis G. Jerz on P7: Correct a Misconception: Okay, I've posted more information. If you still h
Ryan Murray on P7: Correct a Misconception: What is the topic of this assignment?
Dennis G. Jerz on Individual Learning Plan: Nathan, look on the day the assignment was actuall
Nathan Bennett on Individual Learning Plan: I can't see anymore of the instructions for this a