05 Oct 2010 [ Prev
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MyCompLab Checkpoint
Document your progress in MyCompLab.
An informal statement, explaining your recent progress in MyCompLab. (100-150 words. Submit to Turnitin.com.)
An informal statement, explaining your recent progress in MyCompLab. (100-150 words. Submit to Turnitin.com.)
- What recent evidence can you provide that you are investing effort into the MyCompLab material? (This answer is advance work on the MyCompLab section of your Final Self-Reflection Essay, which is the most important paper you will write in LA100.)
- Give at least one recent example of how the work you have put into MyCompLab has improved your grammar skills in this class.
- Does the time you are investing into MyCompLab accurately reflect the importance of MyCompLab to your grade? Consider the way MyCompLab affects your final score, and assess the way you have prioritized it so far.
- The MyCompLab pretest (taken in the beginning of term, 5%), the post-test (due near the end of term, 5%) and the excercises (the score will be recorded near the end of term, 10%), MyCompLab directly accounts for 20% of your grade.
- Because the ILP and Final Self-Assessment Essay are also evaluated in part based on your discussion of the MyCompLab portion of the course, that means that MyCompLab is part of your score for another 25% of your grade.
Categories: due_dates
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