Did You Hear the One About the Professor?

“Mr. Berk has become higher education’s humor guru, a title for which, admittedly, there wasn’t much competition. Along the way, he has racked up a shelf full of teaching awards, a cadre of wisecracking disciples, and stacks of gushing student evaluations.” Thomas Bartlett —Did You Hear the One About the Professor? (Chronicle)

Whatever Happened to Feminism?

“‘There is no more feminism,’ I explain. Game Over. But it took me a day or two to name the new game. It’s ‘girlism’ — women want to be sexy girls and use all the tricks girls use. Crying, flirting, begging, winking, stomping their feet when they don’t get their way, general trotting around showing…

Digging for Googleholes

“Google is beginning to have a subtle, but noticeable effect on research. More and more scholarly publications are putting up their issues in PDF format, which Google indexes as though they were traditional Web pages. But almost no one is publishing entire books online in PDF form. So, when you’re doing research online, Google is…