A Picture is Worth…

A Picture is Worth… Two photos… one is the mugshot of a monster who e-mailed detailed and graphic threats against his high school. The other is a snapshot of every mama’s dream child whose short story was discovered on a school computer and tragically misunderstood. “Save Brian” is a slick and impressive website designed to…

Doctor Slang is a Dying Art

The increasing rate of litigation means that there is a far higher chance that doctors will be asked in court to explain the exact meaning of NFN (Normal for Norfolk), FLK (Funny looking kid) or GROLIES (Guardian Reader Of Low Intelligence in Ethnic Skirt). —Doctor Slang is a Dying Art (BBC) Here’s an amusing couplet, taken…

Precocious 6-Year-Old Claims Berenstain Bears Book Changed Her Life

“The Berenstain Bears taught me about not being greedy. I used to have the ‘galloping greedy gimmies,’ but not anymore.” … Delighted by the positive influence of [The Berenstain Bears] Get The Gimmies, Johnson’s parents purchased their daughter 14 more books from the series. —Precocious 6-Year-Old Claims Berenstain Bears Book Changed Her Life (The Onion) Ouch……

The Gender Genie

Inspired by an article in The New York Times Magazine, the Gender Genie uses an algorithm developed by Moshe Koppel, Bar-Ilan University in Israel, and Shlomo Argamon, Illinois Institute of Technology, to predict the gender of an author. Read more about the algorithm at nature.com. —The Gender Genie (Bookblog) Textually speaking, are you male or female?…

Holocaust Deniers Invade World Wide Web

As the hobbyhorse of a few crackpots, Holocaust Denial seems harmless. But retum to CODOR on the web and you may reach a different conclusion. The benign image of Brad Smith (who includes a Christmas letter each year in his newsletter) asks only that we come to the topic with open minds, and with just…