Shopping for Digital Cameras

Shopping for Digital Cameras A communications faculty member suggested that the humanities division purchase a bunch of inexpensive digital cameras for students to check out. We’re thinking of buying 5 or 6 cameras in the 2 megapixel range. Obviously we want the students to be able to use the cameras with a minimum of fuss,…

Welcome to Internet Detective

…an interactive tutorial on evaluating the quality of Internet resources. —Welcome to Internet Detective (Social Science Information Gateway) Thanks for the suggestion, Mike. The Social Science Information Gateway uses “SOSIG” as its logo. That’s not quite an acronym… what does the “O” stand for?

Is Java Finished?

Java and .NET take vastly different approaches to development, said John Rymer, a vice president with Forrester Research. Java’s philosophy of development is to expose low-level system interfaces to give developers greater control. Microsoft simplifies the development process; the developer has less control — but the tools are easier to use. — Vincent Ryan —Is…

Commentary: Letter from Baghdad

People tend to make the United States Superman. They think the United States is all-powerful, the bastion of freedom, democracy, strength. They thought that the United States would come in and with superhuman power overnight transform Baghdad into New York and Mosul into San Francisco. It is traumatic to realize that America is not God…