Things That Make Me Weep

I’ll be the first to admit I’m not a sports fan. And here’s one reason why. “When I was (in school), we had a day when everyone who was receiving scholarships — academic or athletic — was called up at an assembly and honored. One guy who barely met NCAA requirements got a full athletic…

Computer Gaming Methodology

No matter how tricky or convoluted the map becomes, you will always have a clear picture of how to get from one part to another. Accurate mapping cannot be overstressed if one is to become an above-average adventure game player. Top players map at least 50 percent of their game-playing time. —Roe R. Adams III…

Moveable Types of Information Literacy: Emerging Electronic Genres and the Deconstruction of Peer Review

Moveable Types of Information Literacy: Emerging Electronic Genres and the Deconstruction of Peer ReviewLiteracy Weblog) Vannevar Bush, writing in 1945, lamented that the volume of scientific knowledge being published each year forced researchers to spend unprecedented time and energy searching for relevant information (and choosing what to ignore). His solution, the Memex, was a photocopier…

Food Simulator, The

The machine’s inventors are somewhat vague about what the food simulator will actually be used for, but they suggest that it will be helpful in designing new foods… —Lawrence Osborne —Food Simulator, The (NY Times (will expire)) Here’s the PowerPoint business plan these guys must have followed. Step 1. Invent a device that can simulate the…

How the Grinch Stole…

A Florida man claiming to be selling tickets to a Christmas show took $10 each from hundreds of school children then splurged on wine, sunglasses and movies…. David Lee Ellisor collected money from students at schools all around Miami for a “once in a lifetime” Christmas show that never took place. —How the Grinch Stole… (Yahoo/Reuters)…

Ladies and gentlemen [?] we got him.

“Ladies and gentlemen, we got him.” (The Australian)“Ladies and gentlemen — we got him.” (Time) “Ladies and gentlemen: we got him.” (Washington Times) “Ladies and gentlemen… we got him.” (ic Wales) —Ladies and gentlemen [?] we got him. (Google News) Interesting how the various news agencies are punctuating this catchphrase, which will probably soon be as…

On the Five-Paragraph Essay

Mike says that the five-paragraph format is a shortcut, and “short-cuts — whether a five-paragraph theme or a preemptive military strike — seldom offer lasting solutions.” Amanda says that “[w]hat it generates is more a list than an essay.” I agree with what Amanda says when she argues (implicitly) that it’s not so much the…

Rossum's Universal Robots

Le règne des robots

Écrite en 1920 et jouée pour la première fois à Prague l’année suivante, cette pièce de théâtre, intitulée Rossum’s Universal Robots (R.U.R.), introduit le terme robot, qui remplacera dorénavant celui d’automate. La pièce de Capek fut acclamée dans le monde entier. — Dennis G. Jerz (via an anonymous translator) —Le règne des robots (L’Encyclopédie de L’Agora)…

An Excerpt from Mechanisms [2]: ‘Professor RAMAC’

Among the attractions at the 1958 World’s Fair in Brussels, Belgium, visitors would have beheld “Professor RAMAC,” a four-ton IBM machine capable of offering up responses to users’ queries on a two thousand year historical span… [T]he Professor offered the general public its first encounter with the magnetic disk storage technology today called the hard…

Weblog Tweaking

Weblog TweakingJerz’s Literacy Weblog) I’ve made a few very minor tweaks to the blog, as I re-familiarize myself with JSP. Will is planning on making some changes to the site soon, and I want to be up to speed so I can more fully understand what he’s accomplished for me. The underlying code that he…

Blurring the Borders of Rhetoric and Hypertextuality in Weblogs

Early, link-heavy blogs were, for the most part, a method of sharing links. They usually contained entries that consisted of one or two hyperlinks, the blogger’s commentary on the link’s content, and a place for other bloggers to make comments about the entry. These early blogs often focused on what <a href=”htttp://”>Blood calls “the dissemination…

Virginia Nabs Two Big Spammers

Two North Carolina men were indicted for violating the state’s junk e-mail law by sending thousands of e-mail pitches for investments, software and other products, in what prosecutors said was the nation’s first felony charges for unsolicited e-mail. —Virginia Nabs Two Big Spammers (Wired/AP) I’d like to think this will make a difference… maybe it will,…