Evil, Evil, Evil

Evil, Evil, Evil (Jerz’s Literacy Weblog)

For the past few days, this blog has been getting comment-spammed one or two times per hour, and my network of student blogs is getting hit with spams that contain URLs with increasingly crude language. I’ve spent over an hour today, and between the two different sites (and two different methods I have to use to despam), it seems that I’ve no sooner despammed one site than I have to despam the other.

My telephone hasn’t been ringing with telemarketers, and my e-mail hasn’t been filling up with junk. But over the past few days I’ve had to leave for home or work knowing that there was still spam on my blog. Keeping up is taking way too much time.

2 thoughts on “Evil, Evil, Evil

  1. I am thinking of training work-study students to help me with the despamming, since I have scores of student bloggers. Perhaps there is some way that I don’t know of to share blacklist files…

  2. Me too. I’m using MT, and it’s kinda creepy. It almost feels like a planned attack; like someone’s saying, “Let’s target these people.” Which makes me angry. Now: many would say that the solution is to use a different weblog platform. My impulse is to disappoint those who want to co-opt my medium. What do you think, Dennis? Do you have any students who might be willing to work on a solution to make matters more difficult for the comment spammers?

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