Personalized Google News

—Personalized Google News (Google) A great little addition to Google’s incredibly useful news aggregator. I deleted the “sports” section, and added sections containing keywords that I always find myself googling. The search I created for “weblog” isn’t very useful, but I’ll play with the interface later. There doesn’t seem to be a way for me to…

Evaluating Blogging

Our students, especially the ones who are required to be in our classes and are, therefore, required to blog or do whatever else we ask of them, are generally going to be concerned about the grade they get – possibly even more concerned about the grade than about what they learn. —Nancy McKeand —Evaluating Blogging (Random…

Interviewing: The Ignored Skill

No matter how disgusting, shocking, horrifying or abberant the person, the topic or the interview, your demeanor is ALWAYS one of neutrality. Then, don’t betray that trust – ever. The first glimmer of judgment, shock or negative emotion the person glimpses in you – they’ll shut down. They may keep talking, but not about anything…