Job Opening: Interactive & Assistive Technology Specialist at Seton Hill University [ISTE Career Center]

Seton Hill recently won a multimillion dollar instruction technology grant, part of which includes funding for a new technology specialist (which will become a permanent job when the grant ends).  In helping to write the job notice, I drafted the “you-attitude” paragraphs, with the references to Bioshock and lolcats. Our grant will fund the creation…

Take our survey

I’m saving this for the next time I talk to my journalism students about surveys. Language Log. Do you think surveys asking for people’s opinions about the way things are, rather than verifiable things they have done, are an even more extreme form of stupidity, resulting in nonsense like “43% of employees believe managers may…

Benjamin Ajak and Judy Bernstein

I just attended an inspiring talk by Benjamin Ajak (one of the Sudanese “Lost Boys”) and Judy Bernstein, who collaborated with Alephonsion Deng and Benson Deng to write They Poured Fire on Us From the Sky, which was SHU’s summer reading book.   “Education is the power of the world.” “When I tell my story,…

At NYU, the Only Blogger In Her Generation Y Class Vents

A journalism student at NYU published a Generation Y-ney piece on PBS’s MediaShift. The first thing I notice when I walk into the class is that there are 14 girls and two boys. Already NYU is dominated by females, but the journalism department is exceptionally estrogen-infested. Professor Quigley begins by explaining how blogs are becoming…