Position Statement From University Press Directors on Free Access to Scholarly Journal Articles

From Open Access News:.

1. The undersigned university press directors support the dissemination of scholarly research as broadly as possible.

2. We support the free access to scientific, technical, and medical
journal articles no later than 12 months after publication. We
understand that the length of time before free release of journal
articles will by necessity vary for other disciplines.

3. We support the principle that scholarly research fully funded by
governmental entities is a public good and should be treated as such.
We support legislation that strengthens this principle and oppose
legislation designed to weaken it.

4. We support the archiving and free release of the final, published
version of scholarly journal articles to ensure accuracy and citation

5. We will work directly with academic libraries, governmental
entities, scholarly societies, and faculty to determine appropriate
strategies concerning dissemination options, including institutional
repositories and national scholarly archives.

Inside Higher Ed offers the following context:

In the debate over “open access” to
scholarly research, the Association of American University Presses has
weighed in on the “anti” side of things, backing legislation that would
end a federal requirement that work supported by the National
Institutes of Health be available online and free within 12 months of

The stance of the presses has pitted the publishing
arm of higher education increasingly against many other parts of
academe, as many scholars and librarians are enthusiasts for open
access, and a growth number of college and university faculties are backing the idea.

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