The Nature of E.B. White – The Chronicle Review – The Chronicle of Higher Education

During my research into the inspirations for and the writing of Charlotte’s Web, which took me back to White’s early childhood, I was intrigued by many aspects of his personality: his anxieties and hypochondria, his passionate defense of free speech and civil liberties, his one-man campaign for world government. But nothing else about him caught…

Overusing the Em Dash (Slate)

The problem with the dash—as you may have noticed!—is that it discourages truly efficient writing. It also—and this might be its worst sin—disrupts the flow of a sentence. Don’t you find it annoying—and you can tell me if you do, I won’t be hurt—when a writer inserts a thought into the midst of another one…

Working Towards a Resolution

Looks like all the content has been removed from This is good news for the other bloggers, who, like me, had no idea that entire blog posts were being republished by in order to support an ad for I am waiting to see whether actually publishes the comment that I left…

Dear Please contact me to discuss your plans for compensating me for this use of my intellectual property.

Here’s a comment I left on the website. Hello. I’m a blogger who was surprised to find that your site,, scrapes my RSS feed and republishes my content in order to serve up ads for At least three of the bloggers whose content appears on that site did not give you permission.…

“A Story Before Bed” Publisher Seems to be Scraping and Republishing My Blog Content on “Literacy in the Classroom”

According to preterite, Looks like your site is being scraped by someone associated with Hillel Cooperman and the Jackson Fish Market in Seattle, who themselves are associated with the Children’s Book Council and the iPad-oriented company A Story Before Bed. Seems like a pretty rotten thing to do by a company that trumpets its positive…

Scraping and Republishing Full Content from Other Blogs

A blog called “” seems to be scraping the full content of my blog and republishing on their site. If this post shows up on literacyintheclassroom, we can assume a bot is mindlessly reposting whatever it finds on my site, which seriously calls into question what real value literacyintheclassroom offers. If this post does not…

iPad Usability: Year One Jakob Nielsens Alertbox

A year after our first usability study of iPad apps, it’s nice to see that iPad user interfaces have become decidedly less wacky. It’s even better to see good uptake of several of our recommendations from last year, including apps with: back buttons, broader use of search, homepages, and direct access to articles by touching…

Its Not the Technology, Stupid! Response to NYT “Twitter Trap” | HASTAC

The industrial age worked hard to separate “work” from “home.”  Everything about the common or public schools started in the mid-nineteenth century reinforced that division:  from the school bell ringing for each child at the same time of day, of each child entering school at age 6 whether they were ready or not, about sitting…