Portfolio 2
Revised, as described in class on 17 Sep
Upload to Turnitin.com:
1) A Lab Report (a 400-word news article) (50%)
Upload to Turnitin.com:
1) A Lab Report (a 400-word news article) (50%)
- Cover your contributions to the production of The Setonian (other than writing or photography)
- Include direct quotes from your supervisors and co-workers.
- Write it in the third person, following all the principles of good journalism. (Thus, on first reference you are "Firstname Lastname, a freshman at Seton Hill University," and on subsequent references you are "Lastname.")
- By now, you should be using your blog to post your agenda item (a brief quotation and a brief statement of what you would talk about if called on during class) for each assigned set of chapters, and 2-4 comments on peer weblogs.
- I encourage you to publish your half-page reflections on your blog (but this is not required).
- In your reflection, include a link to a blog entry that you feel demonstrate your ability to reflect on and discuss the assigned readings with your peers.
- With respect to your term project, describe your progress since your last "action item."
- Very briefly, sketch out where you feel you should be by the time you write your next portfolio.
- If you have actually produced substantial work towards your project, include it here for my feedback.
- For the first portfolio, your action item may simply have been a proposal and a rough timeline. For this portfolio, possible action items might include
- A complete timeline.
- A one-page handout for the "New Media Journalism" website.
- A draft of a letter to publicize a journalism contest, and a list of addresses for mailing.
- A list of URLs that link to pages you have "webbified" (adding links and formatting for the online reader) on the Setonian Online.
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