September 4, 2007 Archives
In-class Activity
In-class Activity
The Main Idea
Assigned Text:
Raimes, 1a to 1d
Assigned Text:
Raimes, 29 "Cut"
Due Today:
Targeted Diagnostics
Before class, complete 2-3 MyCompLab"Targeted Diagnostics," chosen according to the areas in the "Comprehensive Diagnostic" where you have the most opportunity for improvement.
Continue reading Targeted Diagnostics.
ILP Overview
The individual learning plan (ILP) is your response to what you learned about your grammar skills, based on the feedback you received from the comprehensive grammar pretest, and on feedback you receive from me during a visit to my office. (I will pass out a sign up sheet.)
See more details about the ILP.
The ILP is a promise to yourself, that you will complete online exercises that address your weaknesses and enhance your strengths. Completing the ILP is your first step towards finishing the Final Self-Assessment Paper (due in December).