November 6, 2007 Archives
Due Today:
P10: Disagree with an Evaluation
This is the assignment I asked you to draft on Google Docs. When you have finished, upload your final version to as usual.
Assignment: Use facts, logic, or your own personal experiences to disagree with a statement of fact or opinion. Avoid trading bumper sticker slogans here -- nothing on abortion or similar hot-button issues, because no 200-word paragraph is likely to end decades or centuries of debate. Stick to something of a more modest scale. You must also cite the source of the claim you feel is a misconception. "Some people say" is not a citation -- it's far too vague.
On Sept. 23, Jay Leno opened his monologue with yet another joke about Britney Spears. When he said, "[This example is hypothetical, so I'm going to leave the joke part blank,]" he promoted a common stereotype about blond women, who seem to have to choose between being physically attractive and having more brain cells than a houseplant.You could try,
For decades, my aging Cousin Gertrude lived alone, brushing off her suitors by saying "Look before you leap." At her funeral last week, a man who had proposed to her unsuccessfully about once every ten years said, "She who hesitated, is lost."
- Falling numbers of pirates, rising global temperature
- Correlation vs. Causation
- Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics
Selected Logical Fallacies
- False Dichotomy
- Ad Hominem
- Non Sequitur
- Hasty Generalization
- Circular Reasoning
- Red Herring
- Loading the Question
- Slippery Slope
- Post Hoc (Ergo Proper Hoc)