07 Feb 2008 [ Prev | Next ]

WM Rheingold


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» All My Life from DaniellaChoynowski

"whenever you see an Amish woman sitting in the field like that, she's probably talking on the phone"pg. 380 WM RheingoldWhere I used to live in Lancaster, there was a little amish grocery store about a mile and a half... Read More


Kayla Sawyer said:

“Despite the almost organic ebb and flow of this evaluation process, the common goal is constant submission to the judgment of one’s peers.”


Jeremy Barrick said:

"Whenever you see an Amish woman sitting in the field like that, she's probably talking on a cell phone."(Rheingold)
The link to my blog entry:

ChrisU said:

"Amos, like many other Amish craftsmen, uses electricity in his workshop for certain tools. But the electricity does not come from public utility lines. Amos runs a diesel generator to charge a bank of 12-volt batteries. The batteries' DC charge is then sent through a converter to create homegrown 110-volt "Amish electricity." To generate more, he has to haul the diesel fuel in from town on his horse-drawn buggy. (Rheingold, "Look Who's Talking" 383)"

Trackback: http://blogs.setonhill.edu/ChristopherUlicne//023159.html

Ok my blog for Wm is posted IM just waiting on it to come up on my site. But its there if anyone wants to look. Ill post the link when it comes up.

ok great, i cant open straight to that specific blog entry, its up, and heres the blog

Stormy Knight said:

David, I'm having similar problems. My pages are finally displaying!

Page 80: "It is of some interest and relevance that this memory function commemorated by the early poet...


Stormy Knight said:

Ack, wrong link.

"I absolutely loved this reading. I enjoyed Reingold's casual, yet immensely informative writing style. For this agenda item, I'm going to do things a little differently. I always write my thoughts or jot down notes in the margins of my books when I'm reading..."


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Leslie Rodriguez on WM Rheingold: My Agenda Item http://blogs.setonhill.edu/LeslieRo
Stormy Knight on WM Rheingold: Ack, wrong link. "I absolutely loved this readin
Stormy Knight on WM Rheingold: David, I'm having similar problems. My pages are f
David Cristello on WM Rheingold: ok great, i cant open straight to that specific bl
David Cristello on WM Rheingold: Ok my blog for Wm is posted IM just waiting on it
Rachel Prichard on WM Rheingold: http://blogs.setonhill.edu/RachelPrichard/2008/02/
ChrisU on WM Rheingold: "Amos, like many other Amish craftsmen, uses elect
Jeremy Barrick on WM Rheingold: "Whenever you see an Amish woman sitting in the fi
Kayla Sawyer on WM Rheingold: “Despite the almost organic ebb and flow of this e
Daniella Choynowski on WM Rheingold: http://blogs.setonhill.edu/DaniellaChoynowski/2008
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