Gender-neutral Language

“Many people believe that the general use of the term ‘man’ is offensive, or at least inaccurate. Phrases like ‘no man is an island’ or ‘every man for himself’ seem to exclude women. Unless your goal is to offend or annoy your audience, you should follow the conventions they expect.” D.G. Jerz —Gender-neutral LanguageUWEC) While…

Techsploitation: The Lego Mystique

“The Media Lab’s main goal, obviously, is to create a working environment that early-’90s corporate guru Tom Peters called ‘WOW!’ Both the lab’s aesthetics (rooms full of Legos!) and its guiding principle (have fun!) reminded me of a fantastic dot-com during the boom years, albeit without the free food and soda.” Annalee Newitz —Techsploitation: The…