Surprise, Mom: I'm Anti-Abortion

“Miss Dahl was one of numerous students in her class who chose to make speeches about abortion, and most took the anti-abortion side. | ‘I was shocked that there were that many students who felt strong enough and confident enough to speak about being pro-life,’ said Nina Verin, a parent of another student in the…

Going Nuclear over Nucular

“Language bullying… advances a stuffy and old-fashioned view of language, the rules of which it considers set by supposed experts, such as the authors of grammar books, rather than common usage. It is deeply anti-populist and snobby, not to mention just plain wrong and cranky…. I suspect many of Bush’s critics would want to avoid…

"You Have Unleashed a Horde of Barbarians!": Fighting Indians, Playing Games, Forming Disciplines

“[T]he Civilization series is infused with an American ideology that is comforting insofar as it justifies genocidal practices and the stealing of land by positing an empty virgin continent….Among other ideological effects, Civilization III makes inevitable, natural and universal several Western-centered ideas of technological progress, the use of the land, and the opposition between ‘civilization’…

Europe Shrinking as Birthrates Decline

“The year 2000 marked a turning point, with the population’s ‘momentum’ becoming negative; there will be fewer parents in the next generation than in this one.” —Europe Shrinking as Birthrates DeclineTimes) This is a straightforward summary of an article to be published in Science. It might have been a more interesting article if it interviewed…

Ambiguous Headline

A current headline on an Australian news site: “Al-Qaeda fighting with Iraqis, British claim“. —Ambiguous HeadlineLiteracy Weblog) The news here is that Al-Qaeda forces appear to be in Iraq, but the phrase “fighting with” has two contradictory meanings. How about “Al-Qaeda in Iraq, Fighting Coalition, British Claim”.

This is Very Dumb

“THE world’s biggest rubber band ball has been dropped from an aeroplane a mile up… Experts thought the ball would bounce hundreds of feet into the air.|Instead, it created a massive crater…” —This is Very DumbicWales)

What Were They Thinking?

“Field Guide to Stains is a lovely little book. It’s beautifully produced and designed. The writing is sharp, the advice is good and the photos are appropriately illustrative. You just have to wonder: Who the hell cares?” Sienna Powers reviews some dumb books. —What Were They Thinking?January Magazine) Via KairosNews.

Human Nature and Its Future

“In much of the 20th Century, there was a widespread denial of the existence of human nature in Western intellectual life, and I will just present three representative quotations. ‘Man has no nature,’ from the philosopher Jose Ortega y Gassett. ‘Man has no instincts,’ from the anthropologist and public intellectual Ashley Montagu. ‘The human brain…

The Final Touch

“A few years ago, Tony Alleyne’s marriage broke down. In search of solace, Tony turned to his love of science fiction. Star Trek was particularly good at helping him cope, so much so that he transformed his flat into a replica of the Starship Enterprise.” —The Final TouchBBC) The apartment’s currently being auctioned on e-bay.…