Googling Word Variations

The Keyword Variation Checker is a tool I wrote using the Google Web API. It will go through all kinds of variations of a given keyword and google the result. All that was needed is a little text-file with possible endings for a word from a free dictionary I found online. For example, the word…

Plagiarism Roundup

In honor of Mike Arnzen’s unmasking of a plagiarist, here are a few recent blog entries on academic dishonesty: Blair Hornstine (Plagarizing Valedictorian Kicked out of Harvard) (For those who think plagiarism isn’t serious) Worse than a Plagiarist.. a SPAMMING Plagiarist! (what it feels like to have your work appropriated — the evildoers did give…


Chemtrails: 18,600 hits on Google. A lunatic fringe of dittoheads, convinced Doom is wafting down on the populace via 747s and DC-10s. A whole subculture of contrail conspiracy freaks. God bless ’em, at least they’re looking up. —Matt Rasmussen —Contrails (Orion Online)

Get a(n Interesting) Life

Despite its high visibility, I have not been able to authenticate “May you live in interesting times” as an ancient Chinese curse. —Stephen E. DeLong —Get a(n Interesting) Life I am tempted to comment “Somebody has too much time on his hands,” but the irony of typing that into my weblog would probably be too…

Costa Rica 5

Here I was in a place where the jungle goes all the way to the ocean, with only a strip of beach dividing the two. Sand crabs, hermit crabs, and crab crabs skitter across the path, and lizards are pretty common. If you look up you likely see white faced monkeys, and iguana are common…