Outsourcing didn't pay off for Conseco

Conseco, which sells life, health and annuity policies to middle-income clients, expected to save millions by moving the work to the world’s second-most-populous nation. Instead, the switch was hurt by 9/11, cultural differences and intense pressure to quickly cut costs.–Bill W. Hornaday —Outsourcing didn’t pay off for Conseco (IndyStar)

Spielbergs with a joystick

Instead of simply cruising the distant reaches of other worlds in search of alien targets, Red Vs. Blue zeroes in on the small gangs of soldiers and gets into their heads. “This is what happens when the game’s off, basically,” said Mike `Burnie’ Burns, 31, one of the Red Vs. Blue‘s creators. “They’re chatting away,…

Ma'amed for Life

Time to get my AARP card, apparently. I’m 22, and I have officially been “ma’am’ed” for the first time. —Donna Hibbs —Ma’amed for Life (Nothing Left to Do but Rant) While pondering the language politics of the situation Donna describes, I was surprised when I realized that I would feel comfortable referring to a polite adolescent…

Geography's conquest of history in The Diamond Age

Stephenson’s immensely creative novel offers a story about the disequilibrium between space and time, about reconstituting subjectivity in a world where geography has conquered history, and about the importance of narrative in the creation of subject positions. In this chapter, we argue that geography’s conquest of history defines the struggles over culture, identity, subjectivity, and…

Prospectus: 'The Future Is Open' for Composition Studies: An Alternative Intellectual Property Model for the Digital Age

Why has openness so far been neglected in the field of Composition and Rhetoric? Most likely because until recently, open source has been publicly viewed as the domain of hackers, a fringe movement which has gained recognition as an effective software developmental model only in the last few years; indeed, some in the information technology…