Pattern Recognition: F:F:F must have very low traffic.

Pattern Recognition: F:F:F must have very low traffic. (Jerz’s Literacy Weblog)

It just occurred to me that for someone who’s supposedly a core member of the online group F:F:F, Cayce Pollard doesn’t really spend that much time reading or posting.

I’ve spent most of this academic year away from the newsgroup, and as I finished grades for this term, I spent just a few days in lurking mode on several of my favorite blogs, and I feel so far behind!

3 thoughts on “Pattern Recognition: F:F:F must have very low traffic.

  1. ciao amici del blog, scrivo i miei post dalla regione Autonoma della Sardegna ( Italia), la nostra lingua è il sardo e l’italiano, vieni a leggere i miei racconti, e scoprirai il vero DNA dei Sardi.
    vene venniu tue chi mi leges.
    traduzione ben venuto tu che vieni a leggermi.

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