How to Write a Great Blog Comment

I don’t know any bloggers who don’t crave comments, but there are many more places than blogs that you can leave comments these days: on news articles, photos, videos, comment walls, and more. Comment writing is something of a new art form, and as many people who get comments will tell you, some are great and some are horrible.– Grammar Girl

I’m not sure writing a comment is much different from writing a blog entry or web blurb, but I was still happy to see this. (I didn’t watch the video, though… I’m not really a visual learner.)

In an academic context, I liken a comment to saying in public something that you might raise your hand to say in class, but because I give my students their own individual blogs, when a peer leaves a comment for a peer, it’s a transaction that they know I might never actually see.  I ask students to post 2-4 comments per assigned reading, which I think is enough to keep the conversation going, but the range means that a peer comment is still participating at least somewhat in the gift economy.

4 thoughts on “How to Write a Great Blog Comment

  1. Your perspective on comments as a form of participation in the “gift economy” is really insightful! I love how you frame commenting as both a public classroom contribution and a peer-to-peer exchange that might not always be directly observed by the instructor. It creates a space for authentic engagement and encourages students to think critically about their peers’ ideas. Your approach of assigning 2-4 comments per reading seems like a great balance—enough to foster discussion without making it feel like a chore. Also, your reflection on different learning styles adds an interesting layer to the conversation. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

  2. Comments should be the response to the comments either inform of question picking a point and also adding your own view to what the content is all about.

  3. I agree with Alex’s comment, thou some greetings and thanks comments could increase author’s motivation to continue writing.

  4. the quality of comments is determined by several factors
    1. Purpose
    2. Knowledge
    3. Understanding the content

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