Cow Clicker Yields Ruminations On Social Gaming's Tense Battle Lines

Gameplay in Cow Clicker is insultingly simple — Bogost has described it as “Facebook games distilled to their essence.” Users obtain a cow on which they can click every six hours, and every time they click, they earn more opportunities to click their cow or their friends’ cows. Users can buy custom “premium” cows or…

Satisfied Amazon Customer

The other day I was searching Amazon for a digital edition of the poems of Emily Dickinson, and was pleased to find a digital edition for a few bucks. I know that Project Gutenberg has a decent edition of the original publication of the version her family first published, but the first publication changed her…

Not as Web Savvy as You Think

Researchers also asked students questions about websites they chose. After using Google to get to a website, this interaction occurred between a researcher and a study participant: Researcher: “What is this website?” Student: “Oh, I don’t know. The first thing that came up.” “Search engine rankings seem extremely important,” Hargittai said. “We found that a…

Blender 2.53 Beta Released

The Blender Foundation has announced its release of version 2.53 beta. Blender is a free, open-source 3D animation and game design package. I’ve taught it in the past in my New Media Projects course, but no student has ever chosen a Blender creation for a term project, and some of my textually-minded English majors have…