When I initially wrote this introduction to hypertext essays in 2000, my assumption was that readers would be experienced writers who already knew what an essay was, so that I could use that knowledge to differentiate between an ordinary essay and a hypertext essay. By 2017, we are teaching “multimodal composition” in our freshman writing classes.…
Jerz > Writing > Electronic Text An ordinary essay is designed to be read one way — from beginning to end. A hypertext essay can be read in many different ways. The ordinary prose essay has been around for hundreds of years; people have had a long time to discover how to write a good one. …
This short film documents an early attempt to use hypertext to help students study poetry. A fascinating early collaboration between computer science and the humanities. Similar:Letter to the editor: Setting record straight on Seton Hill newspaperDon't Be a Sucker (antifascist film from 1945)Hey there, chaotic world in academia and beyond, could you settle down just…
Similar:Letter to the editor: Setting record straight on Seton Hill newspaperDon't Be a Sucker (antifascist film from 1945)Hey there, chaotic world in academia and beyond, could you settle down just a bit so I can…I ordered a box of composition books. Low-tech response to AI.I have for some reason reached another #duolingo milestone.The Anatomy of…
It’s not that hypertext went on to become less interesting than its literary advocates imagined in those early days. Rather, a whole different set of new forms arose in its place: blogs, social networks, crowd-edited encyclopedias. Readers did end up exploring an idea or news event by following links between small blocks of text; it’s…
It’s not that hypertext went on to become less interesting than its literary advocates imagined in those early days. Rather, a whole different set of new forms arose in its place: blogs, social networks, crowd-edited encyclopedias. Readers did end up exploring an idea or news event by following links between small blocks of text; it’s…
Kim asked on Twitter: “Is there a canon for digital narratives / interactive stories / hypertext literature yet? A list of accepted classics and forms?” What followed was a lot of us going “we don’t know”. And I wasn’t exactly helpful, by pointing out that those three things are (in some ways) completely different. But.…
“Hypertext.” When I was a college student, I was obsessed with the idea that, some day, we would all be creating and consuming information— not just information, but literature—via portable devices like cell phones, when the hyperlink might become as central to reading and writing as the sentence. Since then, that day has come and gone. There…
Jerz > Writing > E-text We only notice navigation when it doesn’t work. Web authors should follow web design conventions that account for the variety of ways users will try to navigate through their pages. While usability testing is the best way to ensure your site is really operating as you intend it to, this page offers…
Chair: Ken Anderson (University of Colorado at Boulder, USA)Enhancing Access to Open Corpus Educational Content: Learning in the Wild (Long Paper) Seamus Lawless, Lucy Hederman and Vincent Wade Lack of relevant and accessible digital content hampers the implementation of e-learning. As these eLearning tools begin to try to offer personalization, the tools require access to…
Chair: Mark Bernstein (Eastgate Systems, USA) Information Flows and Social Capital in Weblogs: A Case Study in the Brazilian Blogosphere (Long Paper) Raquel Recuero Qualitative study. Perception is that bloggers are just wasting time, but people have strong personal reasons for blogging. Went quickly through the obligatory background slide… I wonder that this audience might…
Chair: Andreas Hotho (Universität Kassel, Germany) The Very Small World of the Well-Connected (Long Paper) Xiaolin Shi, Matthew Bonner, Lada Adamic and Anna Gilbert Matt Bonner is the presenter; this paper won a “best paper” award at the banquet last night. Vertex Important Graph Synopsis. (Promises a definition!) Opening image — “Network or Hairball?” Huge…
John Kleinberg This year’s conference emphasizes social linking and its relation to information linking. A striking slide illustrated the tangled interconnections of online friendships, as opposed to the red and blue nodes that characterize political blogs (with some neutral interconnections). (Blackstorm-Huttenlocher-Kleinberg-Lan 2006) and (Adamic and Glance 2005) Bridging levels of scale; Zacharly 1977 studying a…
Chair: Ethan Munson (University of Wisconsin) Dynamic Prediction of Communication Flow Using Social Context (Short Paper)Munmun De Choudhury, Hari Sundaram, Ajita John and Doree Seligmann Estimate intent to communicate and the associated delay. Using MySpace, successful prediction of intent to communicate. [This section is a review of related work, so the speaker is going quickly…
Because I’m unfamiliar with the poster paper genre, my own textual bias made me want to read all the text on the poster before I was ready to listen to the presenter’s explanation. A couple times I had to tell the eager presenter to give me a minute to take in all the information before…
I don’t attend many science/technology conferences, so the genre of the one-minute poster presentations is brand new to me. The genre is akin to the haiku or flash fiction — it’s a research paper bared down to the bones. Flash scholarship? 60-second-scholarship? About 20 people pre-loaded their slides onto the conference room computer, then lined…
Today’s keynote: Brughel painting showing the social dynamics of a village festival. Grounded the talk with a presentation of statistics on user-generated content (Facebook, MySpace, etc.), noting that whether those users are interacting with one another is another question. Noted that his research is observational rather than experimental, and that he won’t be able to…
Literatronica: Juan: Empower the computer to be part of the literary transaction… mathematical literature. Mathematical literature — not the syntatic approach, using mathematical language to describe a story. Not a semantic approach, using theorems to define stories. Lexicographic Hypertext — basic HTML with nodes connected via links. We navigate through the network to get from…
Chris Crawford has been working on Storytron for 16 years. The computer gaming industry was not intersted in or able to solve the problem of interactive storytelling. Left the gaming industry to solve that problem on his own. Has been explaining Storytron for 10 years, says that during that time he has “failed miserably.” About…
Dene joined us remotely from her lab in Vancouver, demonstrating multimedia works that are performed through hyperlinks triggered by a performer’s actions in a 3D space. The demonstration is intended to challenge the notions of a hyperlink as a silent component of a 2D work. First demonstration — Virtual DJ. Spinning circles of light…