Reflective Portfolio 2

As I indicated in class recently, this portfolio has a bit more structure. Include only the entries you have written since the last portfolio was due.

Examples of portfolios from previous classes have included a no-nonsense list and a more personal essay. Either format is fine, but however you present your work, it's important to me that you specify where each of your posts falls amongst the categories listed below. The same post can count for more than one category, but if you keep re-using the same handful of posts that's probably a sign you can do a little better next time.

Submit your portfolio by posting a comment with the URL of your cover entry (see below); or, if you are one of the brave, trying to create a trackback.

  • The Cover Entry: Post a blog entry that contains meaningful words (not just the bare URLs) that are links to each of the entries that you plan to submit for your portfolio. For the benefit of an outside reader (that is, someone who doesn't know what a blogging portfolio is), introduce each of these links and explain why they are significant. (For example, see "Favorite Blog Entries: Journaling Mode.")
  • The Collection: Your blogging portfolio is supposed to be a collection of your best weblog entries. For the purposes of this class, a "good" blog entry is one that demonstrates your intellectual engagement with the assigned readings and student panels, and/or the questions raised by your peers. I will accept a bulleted list of entries, but please write for an audience that does not know or care about your homework requirements.
    1. Coverage. Ensure that you have blogged something for each of the assigned readings (for a C-level grade, at least brief agenda items for each assigned reading; for a higher grade, demonstrate your intellectual involvement with the assigned readings).
    2. Depth. Some of the "coverage" entries you selected above should demonstrate your ability to examine a concept in depth. Do some original online research, and link to the precise pages where you got ideas that helped you formulate your ideas. If you prefer to use a library book, quote a passage that you found interesting. Here are a few examples of a blog entry that goes above and beyond the standard "what I thought about the book" blog entry: Fitting in in the Diamond Age and Forced Reading-- Beloved Character.
    3. Interaction. Of the "Coverage" blogs entries included above, some should demonstrate your ability to use weblogs to interact with your peers. For instance, you might disagree (politely) with something a peer has written; link to and quote from the peer's blog entry, then carefully (and respectfully) explain where you disagree. Rather than hurl accusations in order to make the other person look bad, cheerfully invite the other person to explain their perspective. Quote passages from the texts your peer has cited, or do additional research that helps unveil the truth. (These may or may not include some entries you have already included among your "Depth" entries.)
    4. Discussions. Blogging feels lonely when you aren't getting any comments; you will feel more motivated to blog if you enjoy (and learn from) the comments left by your readers. Your portfolio should include entries (which may or may not overlap with either the "Interaction" or "Depth" entries) that demonstrate that your blog sparked a conversation that furthered your intellectual examination of a literary subject.
    5. Timeliness. A timely blog entry is one that was written early enough that it sparked a good online discussion, before the class discussion. A timely blog entry might also be an extra one written after the class discussion, if it reacts directly to something brought up in class. The blog entries that you write the night before the portfolio is due won't count in this category. And don't try to change the date in your blog entries -- I know that trick! ;)
    6. Xenoblogging. "Xeno" means "foreign," so xenoblogging (a term that I coined last term) means the work that you do that helps other people's weblogs. Your portfolio should include three entries (which may or may not overlap with the ones you have already selected for "Coverage") that demonstrate your willingness to contribute selflessly and generously to the online classroom community. Examples of good xenoblogging:
      • The Comment Primo: Be the first to comment on a peer's blog entry; rather than simply say "Nice job!" or "I'm commenting on your blog," launch an intellectual discussion; return to help sustain it.
      • The Comment Grande: Write a long, thoughtful comment in a peer's blog entry. Refer to and post the URLs of other discussions and other blog entries that are related.
      • The Comment Informative: If your peer makes a general, passing reference to something that you know a lot about, post a comment that offers a detailed explanation. (For example, the in the third comment on a recent blog entry about the history and culture of print, Mike Arnzen mentions three books that offer far more information than my post did.)
      • The Link Gracious: If you got an idea for a post by reading something somebody else wrote, give credit where credit is due. (If, in casual conversation, we credited the source of every point we make, we'd get little accomplished. But since a hyperlink is so easy to create, it's not good practice -- or good ethics -- to hide the source of your ideas.) If a good conversation is simmering on someone else's blog -- whether you are heavily involved or not -- post a link to it and invite your own readers to join in.
    7. Wildcard: Include one blog entry on any subject -- related to a homework assignment or not, serious or not -- that you feel will help me evaluate your achievements as a student weblogger.

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Listed below are links to blogs that reference this entry: Reflective Portfolio 2.

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We are now entering the second half of my journey into the wonderful world of newswriting. In our last visit (my first reflective portfolio), I was coming to terms with what it meant to be a journalist. I had been... Read More

» Blawg Portfoolio pt.2 from CoreyStruss

So. This is my 2nd blogging portfolio this semester, and although timeliness has been a bit of an issue, my actual blogs and ideas have gotten better, I think. So. HERE WE GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Coverage: This is all the blog entries... Read More


Just trying to refresh the page...

Maddie Gillespie said:

I really did try to do the trackback, but that's just my luck. Anywho, here's my portfolio:

Dear trackbacks,

why have you left me? Did I do something to offend you? were you angry that some of my entries were short?
maybe this will appease you...

Bethany Merryman said:

This time, something really crazy happened when I tried to error of some sort unlike any I have seem before! I hope this works!

Blogging Portfolio Parte Dos

Carrie Kraszewski said:

La la la, my portfolio is here!

Carrie Kraszewski said:

La la la, my portfolio is here!

Nessa said:

So my portfolio took 4 times to post and I was starting to freak out a little. Hope you enjoy it, because it was a headache:

Jara White said:

Trackbacks are...well trackbacks so here is the link to my BP

it's there if you look under the last 3 blog entries

Jeremy Barrick said:

The second part of my blogging entry:

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