Dennis G. Jerz
Associate Professor
English -- New Media Journalism
Seton Hill University, Greensburg, Pennsylvania
You are in a large room, with a passage to the south, a passage to the west, and a wall of broken rock to the east. There is a large "Y2" on a rock in the room's center. --"Colossal Cave Adventure"
In 2003, I was hired to lead a brand new program in new media journalism. I'm told that it appears in the catalog as "Journalism New Media" because nobody would be able to find it if it were alphabetized under "N".
Photo by Lynn Brucker, courtesy of the Cave Research Foundation.
Since the spring of 1999, I have annotated web links on technology, humanities, cyberculture, journalism, academia, and everything else that makes my heart go thumpety-thump.
New Media
Journalism @ Seton Hill University
The main portal for the blogging community at Seton
Hill University. Any student, faculty, or staff member can get a free
blog here.
Resource Room
A large collection of instructional handouts, covering
academic writing, electronic text, and technical writing. Popular pages
include the MLA-style
Bibliography Builder, and handouts on blurbs,
and usability
Interactive fiction requires the text-analysis skills
of a literary scholar and the relentless puzzle-solving
drive of a computer hacker. People tend to love it or hate it. Those
who hate it sometimes say it makes them think too much.
Other Major Resources
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