February 27, 2008 Archives
Due Today:
WB1-8: Interview 1
Interview a recent SHU grad or senior who has entrepreneurial experience relevant to your career goals.
As we discussed in class Friday, you need not submit a formal interview written as a news story. You may instead simply write an informal essay about your interview.
Recent Comments
Andrea Nestler on O'Connor, "The Displaced Person": http://blogs.setonhill.edu/AndreaNestler/2008/03/t
Maddie Gillespie on O'Connor, "The Displaced Person": "Not many people remembered to come out to the cou
Dennis G. Jerz on O'Connor, "The Displaced Person": Welcome back from break, everyone. It was great to
Greta Carroll on O'Connor, "The Displaced Person": “’Well,’ Mr. Shortley said, ‘if I was going to tra
Jeanine O'Neal on O'Connor, "A Stroke of Good Fortune": “ ‘Collard greens!’ she said, spitting the word fr
Stephanie Wytovich on O'Connor, "The Displaced Person": “Mr. Shortley recalled a newsreel she had seen onc
Lauren Miller on O'Connor, "The Displaced Person": "She began to understand that she had a moral obli
slim on Lemire (Finish): I'm a student study at Norton University in Cambod
Jeanine O'Neal on O'Connor, "Good Country People": Then on what seemed an insuck of breath, he whispe