Hello, and welcome! This website,, is your main resource for the course.
If you look at the top of this page and click the "Outline" tab, you'll see the list of all the readings and due dates.
If you're ever feel unsure of what to do on a particular assignment, or you're working ahead and you would like for me to flesh out a particular page, just send me an e-mail or post a comment on the blog, and I'll tend to it as soon as I can.
If you look at the top of this page and click the "Outline" tab, you'll see the list of all the readings and due dates.
If you're ever feel unsure of what to do on a particular assignment, or you're working ahead and you would like for me to flesh out a particular page, just send me an e-mail or post a comment on the blog, and I'll tend to it as soon as I can.
For every assigned text in the course that gets its own item on the Outline page, including an article, a section from a book, or some other document, I am asking every student to use the RRRR sequence contribute to an online discussion.
First we will start out simply posting a comment to the appropriate page on the course website.
But once everyone has had some time to experiment with the SHU weblog system, I'm asking for everyone to employ the following four-step process, designed to prepare for a productive online discussion.
Continue reading RRRR Sequence (Online Participation).
Weblog Workshop
Introduction to online journals (weblogs).
I will walk you through the steps during class.
- Intro to the SHU blogosphere
- Setting up your personal blog
- Creating an entry
- Completing the RRRR sequence for each assigned reading
If you would like a review, here are detailed instructions (including a link to an audio/video version).
Recent Comments
Kaitlin Monier on Portfolio 3:
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A Freshman One Resea on Ex 2-3: Researched Essay: I believe at the beginning of the semester you sai
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