SNSG Ch 6-9
Skim all; focus on one or two chapters. Pick a quotation; write 100-200 words demonstrating your understanding of the whole reading. By Monday, post 2-4 comments on peer blogs.
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Daniella Choynowski on Ex 5: Evergreen Final (10 Dec, 15:16h)
Jeremy Barrick on Ex 5: Evergreen Final (05 Dec, 22:59h)
Daniella Choynowski on Ex 5: Evergreen Final (05 Dec, 19:16h)
Dennis G. Jerz on Ex 4: Evergreen Draft (30 Nov, 22:19h)
Aero Windwalker on Ex 4: Evergreen Draft (30 Nov, 22:15h)
Shellie Polly on Portfolio 4 (30 Nov, 22:22h)
Jeremy Barrick on Portfolio 4 (29 Nov, 10:25h)
Jeremy Barrick on Evergreen Story Pitches, Cont'd (17 Nov, 01:21h)
Daniella Choynowski on Portfolio 3 (10 Nov, 02:16h)
Shellie Polly on Portfolio 3 (09 Nov, 21:12h)
Jeremy Barrick on Portfolio 3 (09 Nov, 12:55h)
Kayla Sawyer on Portfolio 3 (08 Nov, 16:54h)
Daniella Choynowski on Portfolio 3 (08 Nov, 15:52h)
Jeremy Barrick on Ex 5: Evergreen Final (05 Dec, 22:59h)
Daniella Choynowski on Ex 5: Evergreen Final (05 Dec, 19:16h)
Dennis G. Jerz on Ex 4: Evergreen Draft (30 Nov, 22:19h)
Aero Windwalker on Ex 4: Evergreen Draft (30 Nov, 22:15h)
Shellie Polly on Portfolio 4 (30 Nov, 22:22h)
Jeremy Barrick on Portfolio 4 (29 Nov, 10:25h)
Jeremy Barrick on Evergreen Story Pitches, Cont'd (17 Nov, 01:21h)
Daniella Choynowski on Portfolio 3 (10 Nov, 02:16h)
Shellie Polly on Portfolio 3 (09 Nov, 21:12h)
Jeremy Barrick on Portfolio 3 (09 Nov, 12:55h)
Kayla Sawyer on Portfolio 3 (08 Nov, 16:54h)
Daniella Choynowski on Portfolio 3 (08 Nov, 15:52h)
“Student newspapers should offer upclose reporting on college life and culture… Young journalists want to be lke older professionals and don’t realize that their greatest resource is being themselves - young and surrounded by student life.” - Ch. 8, The Student Newspaper Survival Guide by Rachele Kanigel, p. 64
My blog entries:
"It's hard to say if Carrie Bradshaw, the fictional columnist of 'Sex and the City', spawned them, but sex columns have become a staple of 21st century college newspaper." (Kanigel, p.50)
My blog entry:
"Sports writing is about sports, yes, but it's also about good reporting and good writing, about observing and describing, about seeing what's really going on and transmitting that information to the reader." (Kanigel, p.56)
My blog entry:
"If an out-of-town band is coming to town, try to interview members a week or two before by phone to give readers a sense of what's in store." (Kanigel, p.64)
My blog entry:
"The New York Times hired its first public editor in 2003 after reporter Jayson Blair was fired for plagiarizing and fabricating stories." (Kanigel, p.73)
My blog entry: