30 Sep 2009 [ Prev | Next ]

Frost, "Desert Places"

In Roberts.

(When you're here adding your links, please remember also to add the links to Friday's Wordsworth/Yeats page.)



Dianna Griffin said:

Wordsworth, do you have words in your mouth?

Josie Rush said:

Afflicted with the Frost- a "just for fun" entry parodying a Frost poem and the amount of times we have to read his poems

Jessica Orlowski said:

okay. Here's the deal. My blogsite is down. So, I've posted my blog as a note on Facebook and a link to both the Wordsworth blog and Chapter 12 blog. Enjoy :)

Only in RobertFrostLand is Every Desert Snowy:
If Wordsworth Had Written the Bible:
I Didn't Realize that This Was Law School (Roberts Ch 12):

Jessica Orlowski said:

I don't know what's going on, but if two posts from me appear, I apologize:

If Wordsworth Had Written the Bible:

Only In RobertFrostLand is Every Desert Snowy:

Jessica, I just checked your blog and I didn't see anything wrong with it. If you ever think something on your blog isn't right, click the "refresh" button (it looks like two curvy arrows) and then click the default "republish all" option. After a half a minute or so, all the pages on your blog should be refreshed. Then you might close your web browser and open it up again. That fixes 99% of display problems.

Carissa Altizer said:

Oops! The title is actually "Truly Alone or a Few Feet from Home"


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