05 Jan 2010 [ Prev
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Ex 1: My Gaming Anecdote
A specific, brief (500 words) personal story that makes a point about your relationship with gaming.
Rather than a list of your earliest memories or favorite games, choose one specific incident/experience/memory. (I have posted my own gaming anecdote on my blog, to give you an idea of what I'm looking for. You are free to focus more on the game itself, or more on your memories, or more on something else... I don't have any one particular kind of story in mind, so please feel free to offer your own creative take on the assignment.)
- Upload to Turnitin.com. (Use course ID 3042951 and password "levelup".)
- Post a copy for the class to read in the GriffinGate forum for EL250. (Collaboration -> Forums -> My Gaming Anecdote -> Add a Thread.)
- By Jan 06, return and post 2-4 comments on the anecdotes that your peers have posted.