Open Choice
Choose any video game, classic or new, on any platform, and present a case study. Explain why your choice is worthy of academic study. Offer supporting materials and discussion questions.
Dennis G. Jerz, J-Term 2010, Seton Hill University
Choose any video game, classic or new, on any platform, and present a case study. Explain why your choice is worthy of academic study. Offer supporting materials and discussion questions.
I discuss how Rock Band could help reclaim family time. I also offered some questions that a case study on this topic might address.
I took a look at a game that is breaking ground in the studies of ADD and ADHD. Yes, video games can be used as therapy!
Real world fire drills in Half-Life 2.
Some really good stuff on your blogs! I was all ready to download the HL2 mod that Matt mentioned, but his link pointed to an abstract of a forthcoming paper, rather than a full mod to interact with.
This blog was posted a few days ago, but I forgot to put the link on the course website. Sorry!