Rogue Gameplay
There are 4 separate pages in this Gamasutra article on Rogue:
I wasn't able to find a good video walkthrough of Rogue (the term is just too generic, and YouTube turns up far too many false positive hits.)
So, before you try sampling Rogue online, watch a video of an experienced player talking us through a more modern "Roguelike" game, Ancient Domains of Mystery.
Note that the epic music was just added by the videographer -- it's not actually being supplied by the game.
I still couldn't find a good online video of someone playing Rogue, but I did update the page to include a link to this site where you can play Rogue for yourself.
When the game opens, you are looking down on a dungeon from above, and the map fills in as you explore the spaces. Letters are enemies, punctuation marks are objects.