February 2009 Listing

Choose either ''The Yellow Wallpaper'' or ''Ode on a Grecian Urn.''

Case 1: The dramatist Harold Pinter was once asked what all his plays were about, and he blurted out "The weasel under the cocktail cabinet." He later said he was amused to find that flippant response being analyzed by critics, because "for me the remark [about the weasel] meant precisely nothing."

Which of these quotes from Pinter would be 100% true?

Case 2: T.S. Eliot wrote desperate, disjointed poetry when he was a young man. While his life had its dramatic points (his fist wife died in a mental institution after spending several years there; he never visited her), he had a happy second marriage, enjoyed considerable literary success, and more people today know his work through the musical Cats (which was based upon his lighter poetry).

Permit me to speculate.

Let us imagine that, after spending many decades in comfort, enjoying the respect and admiration of the literary world, Eliot wrote a few lines that dismiss as insignificant the early poetry that he wrote as a desperate and angry 22-year-old. Would those lines be more or less valid than the opinion of an angry 22-year-old of today who finds the same poem life-changing?

In Literary Theory.

In Keesey, Appendix C.

In Keesey, Ch 1

On your blog, post a brief paragraph that demonstrates your knowledge of one term that you had to look up.

Of the four literary texts covered in the textbook, choose one that you did not focus on in Ex 2.

Assigned Text:

Shakespeare, The Tempest

If you are not already familiar with this play, you will need to read it or watch a video in order to fully understand the assigned critical readings.

Pages 1-16.

In Keesey, Ch 2

In Keesey, Ch 1

In Keesey, Ch 1



In Literary Theory.
Beginning next week, I will ask students to lead the discussion of one of the assigned critical essays from Eagleton or Keesey.  (See Oral Presentation Assignment.)

Your casebook paper can be on the same topic as your class presentation, but I'm not asking you to read that paper out loud word-for word.

Feel free to meet with me before your class presentation, so we can discuss your ideas.

In Keesey, Ch 2

On your blog, post a brief paragraph that demonstrates your knowledge of one term that you had to look up.

In Keesey, Ch 2

Choose any of the four works covered in the textbook, choose whether you are going to write on either formalism or reader-response, and defend a thesis as usual.

Due Today:

Portfolio I

What is your portfolio?

It begins with a richly-linked blog entry that introduces your reader to blog entries that you have created, and discussions from your peers' blogs in which you have participated, as part of a reflective statement on your progress so far.

Examples of portfolios from previous classes have included a no-nonsense list and a more personal essay. Either format is fine, but however you present your work, it's important to me that you specify where each of your posts falls amongst the categories listed below. The same post can count for more than one category, but if you keep re-using the same handful of posts that's probably a sign you can do a little better next time.

In Keesey, Ch 3

In Keesey, Appendix B. This is a long story, written in a style that will require some concentration. Don't leave this until the last minute.

In Keesey, Ch 3

On your blog, post a brief paragraph that demonstrates your knowledge of one term that you had to look up.

In Keesey, Ch 3

Recent Comments

wine luzmery on Eagleton, ''Structuralism and Semiotics'': bueno para mi la literatura no es mas que dar a co
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Angela Palumbo on Term Project: Good job everyone! http://blogs.setonhill.edu/Ang
Mara Barreiro on Term Project: Great job everyone!!
Ellen Einsporn on Portfolio III: Last blog portfolio...ever! And my reflections on
Erica Gearhart on Portfolio III: Take a look at my final blogging portfolio and my
Derek Tickle on Term Project: Excellent work class! http://blogs.setonhill.edu/
Jenna on Term Project: Great job, class! http://blogs.setonhill.edu/Jenna
Jenna on Portfolio III: Portfolio 3- Just in time for summer http://blogs.
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