readings: April 2008 Archives
Assigned Text:
Doctorow (82-206)
Assigned Text:
Doctorow (1-81)
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Blogger Andy Baio raises numerous technological, cultural, and ethical questions. First, take a look at how I introduce the subject on my blog, then post your agenda item responding to Baio's entry:
From an anonymous source close to the company, I've found myself in possession of the "Infocom Drive" -- a complete backup of Infocom's shared network drive from 1989. This is one of the most amazing archives I've ever seen, a treasure chest documenting the rise and fall of the legendary interactive fiction game company. Among the assets included: design documents, email archives, employee phone numbers, sales figures, internal meeting notes, corporate newsletters, and the source code and game files for every released and unreleased game Infocom made.For obvious reasons, I can't share the whole Infocom Drive. But I have to share some of the best parts. It's just too good.
Continue reading Baio.
Assigned Text:
Kirschenbaum (Finish)
Please write two agenda items.
Update, Apr 19: On his Mechanisms blog, Kirschenbaum issued an invitation to SHU students who have questions for him. I invite you to take him up on his offer, and post your agenda items on his book blog (if you wish).
Assigned Text:
Kirschenbaum (Ch 3)
Please write two agenda items.
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Kirschenbaum (Preface, Ch 1, Ch 2)
Please write two agenda items.
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Peer Presentations
Assigned Text:
WM Turkle
Also skim Aarseth (Ch 6 & 7)
Assigned Text:
Aarseth (Ch 5; 8-9)
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Aarseth (Ch 1-4)
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Recent Comments
DavidCristello on Ex 5: Response to Kindle: PSAW!
Daniella Choynowski on Ex 6: Of Books as Books: warning: conclusion deals with Harry Potter (the b
Dennis G. Jerz on Ex 6: Of Books as Books: David, could you please let me know that you've re
Dennis G. Jerz on Ex 6: Of Books as Books: Right. Can be informal.
Daniella Choynowski on Ex 6: Of Books as Books: around 3-4 pages for the Kindle, right?
Jeremy Barrick on Ex 6: Of Books as Books: Dave, rest assure. I have the Kindle. Can I give i
Jeremy Barrick on Ex 6: Of Books as Books: Dave, rest assure. I have the Kindle. Can I give i
Daniella Choynowski on Ex 6: Of Books as Books: no, both essays will be in before midnight
Dennis G. Jerz on Ex 6: Of Books as Books: That's correct, Dani. Actually, I suppose if thi