04 Dec 2007 [ Prev
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5. Course Requirements
The class format will be mostly discussion, with some lecture.
One of the benefits of the small class sizes we have at Seton Hill is that all students can participate meaningfully in every class discussion. Critical thinking is a skill; like most things of value, it is not easy to learn (or teach), and meaningful progress comes only with practice.
One of the benefits of the small class sizes we have at Seton Hill is that all students can participate meaningfully in every class discussion. Critical thinking is a skill; like most things of value, it is not easy to learn (or teach), and meaningful progress comes only with practice.
Please keep copies of rough drafts of papers; that is, instead of saving overtop of your old files, save each new version with a new name ("Exercise 1.1" "Exercise 1.2"). I may want to talk with you about your rough drafts before recording a grade.Next ยป
I will often send out bulk e-mails to the address on file for you in the J-Web system. If you check a different address more regularly, please use SHU's e-mail forwarding service so that you don't miss important updates.
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