04 Dec 2007 [ Prev
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6. Assignments
There are 1250 points of work in the class.
- Workbooks/Worksheets (150 points)
- Participation Portfolios (300 points)
- Exercises (300 points)
- Oral Presentations (200)
- Formal Papers (300 points)
There is no final exam.
I will grade on a four-point scale. If an assignment, such as an individual workbook, is worth 10 points, and you earn 8 points, that's about a B+. If you earn a 4, that's about a C-.
If, at the end of the class, you have earned 75% of the possible points, (about 938), then your base grade will be a B. I might bump that grade up or down a little, based on your participation grade.
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