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Leslie Rodriguez on McLuhan (91-180): http://blogs.setonhill.edu/LeslieRodriguez/024886.
Stormy Knight on McLuhan (91-180): http://blogs.setonhill.edu/StormyKnight/024870.htm
ChrisU on McLuhan (91-180): "That printing from movable types was an event nea
ChrisU on McLuhan (91-180): Whoops, I just realized I read too far ahead... I'
ChrisU on McLuhan (91-180): "The establishment of providence establishes unive
David Cristello on McLuhan (91-180): Sorry to hear about your loss, this just seems lik
Jeremy Barrick on McLuhan (91-180): Sorry to hear about your tough loss. It just goes
Jeremy Barrick on McLuhan (91-180): "Media which emphasize time are those which are du
Daniella Choynowski on McLuhan (91-180): http://blogs.setonhill.edu/DaniellaChoynowski/2008
Kayla Sawyer on McLuhan (91-180): "The manuscript shaped literary conventions at all
Stormy Knight on McLuhan (91-180): http://blogs.setonhill.edu/StormyKnight/024870.htm
ChrisU on McLuhan (91-180): "That printing from movable types was an event nea
ChrisU on McLuhan (91-180): Whoops, I just realized I read too far ahead... I'
ChrisU on McLuhan (91-180): "The establishment of providence establishes unive
David Cristello on McLuhan (91-180): Sorry to hear about your loss, this just seems lik
Jeremy Barrick on McLuhan (91-180): Sorry to hear about your tough loss. It just goes
Jeremy Barrick on McLuhan (91-180): "Media which emphasize time are those which are du
Daniella Choynowski on McLuhan (91-180): http://blogs.setonhill.edu/DaniellaChoynowski/2008
Kayla Sawyer on McLuhan (91-180): "The manuscript shaped literary conventions at all
Blog Activity
"The manuscript shaped literary conventions at all levels."
I would now like to share with you all a little story:
Yesterday I was writing my paper when I needed to go to the bathroom. I left my things in the computer lab, thinking that no one would take anything from me. After all, Saturday students were mostly adults, and adults are honest, trustworthy people, right?
Wrong. When I returned, my copy of The Guttenberg Galaxy was gone. So I joined Questia for a free 72 day trail, copied and pasted every single page of the book into a word document, then deleted my subscription. GRRR…when it rains, it pours.
"Media which emphasize time are those which are durable in character such as parchment, clay, and stone....Media which emphasize space are apt to be less durable and light in character such as papyrus and paper." (Innis, p.115)
My blog entry lies here:
Sorry to hear about your tough loss. It just goes to show that you cannot trust anyone.
Sorry to hear about your loss, this just seems like a fairly unlucky situation, just try and never to leave anything valuable out in the open.
"adults are honest, trustworthy people, right?"
"The establishment of providence establishes universal history, the total presence of the human spirit to itself in idea. (McLuhan, The Gutenberg Galaxy 250)"
Trackback: http://blogs.setonhill.edu/ChristopherUlicne/024868.html
Whoops, I just realized I read too far ahead... I'll post another agenda.
"That printing from movable types was an event nearly related to the earlier technology of the phonetic alphabet is a fact that has been a main reason for studying all these centuries that preceded Gutenberg. (McLuhan, The Gutenberg Galaxy 152)"
Trackback: http://blogs.setonhill.edu/ChristopherUlicne/024869.html