24 Sep 2007 [
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RRRR Sequence
While the course does not involve a heavy amount of reading, I'm leaving the RRRR description here as a reference point. We will mostly be blogging about what we are doing in class, and our reactions to peer accomplishments.
- Read any assigned text
- React by posting to your own blog, at least 24 hours before class starts, an agenda item -- a brief quotation and a statement of what you would talk about if called on in class. (You don't actually have to be finished with the readings when you post your agenda item.)
- Respond by posting 2-4 comments on your classmates' agenda items, before class time.
- Reflect by writing a half-page response paper that
mentions by name a classmate whose agenda item helped you to see
something new about the day's readings. (I encourage you to post your
reflection on your blog, and link to the agenda item you found
inspiring; but you may instead just bring the agenda item as a printed