September 18, 2008 Archives

For today's class, you will need a printout of Ex 1-0, including my comments.

ILP Workshop

In class, begin exercises on verb voice, usage, and other trouble spots.

Check the "To Do" section of MyComp lab for these exercises.  I've selected them based on issues I find most students in the class could use.  (This item has been rescheduled from the 16th.)
Your assignment is to submit a thorough overhaul of Ex 1-0, demonstrating your ability to apply what you have learned so far. Find mistakes to correct, deadwood to cut, and strengths to build on.
SHOW me a series of events that reveal a secret about you, in such a way that the conclusion surprises me. (This is not the same thing as TELLING me about a time when you were surprised.)
Assigned Text:

SFW 8: Language Choices


Portfolio 1

Rescheduled from the 16th.

For your portfolio (due Oct 2), use evidence from your written work, and the comments I write on your submissions, to assess your progress so far. 


1) Printouts of the comments I left on selected papers that I have returned to you through (You can just print these pages within  Try to do so in class and see how it turns out.)
  • Two paragraphs (your choice)
  • Your submissions for ILP 1 and ILP2
2) For the above assignments, handwritten replies, written in the margins or between the lines of your papers, responding to some of the questions I asked and/or suggestions I made on these returned assignments. (Which suggestions did you find particularly helpful? Which would you like me to explain in more detail? Which did you reject because I misunderstood or misread you? I don't expect every suggestion I make to be perfect, so I welcome this kind of feedback.)  You can also ask me additional questions, or say whatever you want about the submission.  You don't have to reply in depth to every single comment, but do demonstrate your willingness to engage intellectually with my feedback.

3) A printout of ILP3, with all the changes from ILP2 highlighted, and reasons for the change briefly noted in the margins. (Examples of such comments might be - "Revised for clarity" or "Trimmed wordiness" or "New example proves point more effectively.")  I will be looking for big-picture changes -- not just moving commas, supplying missing words, and correcting typos.  What new work demonstrates that you have thought seriously about your ILP, that you are taking seriously your opportunity to design a study plan to help you meet your goals, and that you are making progress towards those goals? HIghlight those additions/changes.  Even with the additions and changes, your papers should be 2-3 pages long, so you'll probably need to cut the less-useful stuf to make room for the better.  Highlight the surface-level proofreading changes in one color, and highlight substantial revision in another. (Or you can  underline one and circle the other, or whatever... just demonstrate that you know the difference, and that you are taking full advantage of your opportunity to revise.)

4) A brief reflective statement, about 100 words,.which can be informal and can use "I", in which you describe your progress so far, pointing to specific evidence to back up your claim. (We can talk more about what that evidence might be.)

Recent Comments

Dennis G. Jerz on Writing Center Visit: I learned that no matter where you are in the writ
Dennis G. Jerz on ILP Workshop: Glad to hear it, Brittany.
kristy on Writing Center Visit: I know now that people that have more developed wr
Candis Bostic on Writing Center Visit: I learned how the writing center operates. You mak
Kelly Phelan on Writing Center Visit: At the writing center I learned that they will not
Bianca Harris on Writing Center Visit: I learned that you don't have to go to the writtin
Elyse Grogan on Writing Center Visit: i learned that even professional writers need anot
Laura Scott on Writing Center Visit: I learned that there are many resources available
Brittany Alessandro on ILP Workshop: I found the visit to the Writing Center helpful. I
Katherine Marrama on Writing Center Visit: I learned that the writing center is willing to he
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