- 2008.12.04: Final Self-Assessment: Revision
- 2008.12.04: Portfolio 3
- 2008.12.04: Conclusion
- 2008.12.02: Grammar Post-Test
- 2008.12.02: Reflection
- 2008.11.27: Thanksgiving
- 2008.11.25: P3: Persuasive Essay Revision
- 2008.11.25: Grammar Review
- 2008.11.20: MyCompLab: Final Exercise Grade
- 2008.11.20: Final Self-Assessment: Rough Draft
- 2008.11.20: P3: Revision Workshop
- 2008.11.18: Ex 3-3: Pro/Con II
- 2008.11.18: Consultations
- 2008.11.13: P3: Persuasive Essay Draft
- 2008.11.13: P3: Peer Review Workshop
- 2008.11.11: Ex 3-3: Pro/Con II
- 2008.11.11: Ex 3-2: Pro/Con Combined
- 2008.11.11: P3: Drafting Workshop
- 2008.11.06: SFW 18g: Annotated Example
- 2008.11.06: Self-Assessment
- 2008.11.06: Ex 3-1: Oppose a Position
- 2008.11.06: Assessment Workshop
- 2008.11.04: SFW 18e-f: Effectiveness, Fallacies
- 2008.11.04: Ex 3-2: Pro/Con Combined
- 2008.11.04: Portfolio 2
- 2008.11.04: P2: Explanatory Essay Revision
- 2008.11.04: P3: Thesis Workshop
- 2008.10.30: SFW 18c-d: Logic, Structure
- 2008.10.30: Ex 3-1: Oppose a Position
- 2008.10.30: Portfolio Workshop
- 2008.10.28: SFW 18a-b: Claim, Evidence
- 2008.10.28: Essay 3: Persuasive Essay
- 2008.10.28: Ex 2-4: Explain a Position
- 2008.10.28: P2 Revision Workshop
- 2008.10.23: Portfolio 2
- 2008.10.23: ILP4: Checkpoint
- 2008.10.23: P2 Revision Workshop
- 2008.10.21: SFW 12 c-e: Paragraphs
- 2008.10.21: Ex 2-4: Explain a Position
- 2008.10.21: P2: Explanatory Essay Draft
- 2008.10.21: Paragraph Exercises
- 2008.10.16: SFW 12a-b: Paragraphs
- 2008.10.16: Ex 2-3: Correct a Misconception
- 2008.10.16: Sentence Combination
- 2008.10.14: Fall Break
- 2008.10.09: SFW 11b-d: Rhythm
- 2008.10.09: MyCompLab: Preliminary Grade
- 2008.10.09: Ex 2-2: Describe a Change
- 2008.10.09: SEE Method
- 2008.10.07: SFW 11a: Style
- 2008.10.07: Ex 2-1: Explain (for a novice)
- 2008.10.07: Portfolio Review / Reflection
- 2008.10.02: Portfolio 1 (Print Out and Hand In)
- 2008.10.02: Ex 2-2: Describe a Change
- 2008.10.02: ILP3: Revision
- 2008.10.02: Ex 2-0: College So Far
- 2008.10.02: What is evidence?
- 2008.09.30: P1: Narrative Essay Revision
- 2008.09.30: Ex 2-1: Explain (for a novice)
- 2008.09.30: Portfolio Workshop
- 2008.09.25: SFW 10b: Reduce Wordiness
- 2008.09.25: ILP2: Checkpoint
- 2008.09.25: Proofreading
- 2008.09.25: Ex 2-0: College So Far
- 2008.09.23: SFW 10a: Active Sentences
- 2008.09.23: Ex 1-4: I, Writer (Revision)
- 2008.09.23: P1 Revision Workshop
- 2008.09.18: Portfolio 1
- 2008.09.18: SFW 8: Language Choices
- 2008.09.18: Ex 1-3: My Secret (Surprise)
- 2008.09.18: Ex 1-4: I, Writer (Revision)
- 2008.09.18: Revision Workshop
- 2008.09.18: ILP Workshop
- 2008.09.16: P1: Narrative Essay (Draft)
- 2008.09.16: Writing Center Visit
- 2008.09.11: Ex 1-3: My Secret (Surprise)
- 2008.09.11: Ex 1-2: My Strength (Evidence)
- 2008.09.11: Narrative Essay Workshop
- 2008.09.09: Important Note about Grading Scale
- 2008.09.09: SFW 7: Revising & Proofreading
- 2008.09.09: P1: Narrative Essay
- 2008.09.09: ILP1: Prewriting
- 2008.09.09: Discuss ILP1: Prewriting
- 2008.09.04: SFW 5-6 Structure & Drafting
- 2008.09.04: Ex 1-1: My Passion (Showing)
- 2008.09.04: No Class (Opening Liturgy)
- 2008.09.02: Grammar Pretest (MyCompLab)
- 2008.09.02: Ex 1-2: My Strength (Evidence)
- 2008.09.02: SFW 3-4
- 2008.09.02: Ex 1-1: Prewriting
- 2008.09.02: Individual Learning Plan
- 2008.08.28: SFW 1-2, Prompt & Focus
- 2008.08.28: Ex 1-1: My Passion (Showing)
- 2008.08.28: Ex 1-0: I, Writer
- 2008.08.28: MyCompLab Passkey
- 2008.08.28: Course Procedures
- 2008.08.28: Reminders, a Correction, and a Request
- 2008.08.26: Ex 1-0: I, Writer (Focus)
- 2008.08.26: Peer Introductions
- 2008.08.26: Syllabus
- 2008.08.26: Expressive Writing
- 2008.08.26: The Writing Process
- 2008.08.26: Informal Reflection
- 2008.08.26: Course Overview
- 2008.07.31: Looking for Help?
- 2008.07.28: direct quotation
- 2008.07.28: paraphrase
- 2008.07.28: revision
- 2008.07.22: 6. Assignments
- 2008.07.22: plagiarism (and academic integrity)
- 2008.07.22: 5.5 Important Notices
- 2008.07.22: 5.4 Texts
- 2008.07.22: 5.3 Submissions and Late Work
- 2008.07.22: 5.2 Participation
- 2008.07.22: 5.1 Attendance
- 2008.07.22: 5. Course Requirements
- 2008.07.22: 4. Course Objectives and Philosophy
- 2008.07.22: 3. Course Description
- 2008.07.22: 2. Instructor
- 2008.07.22: 1. Where and When
- 2008.07.08: Format Test
Recent Comments
Dennis G. Jerz on P3: Revision Workshop: Here are the in-class prompts we wrote about: 1) W
Dennis G. Jerz on Final Self-Assessment: Rough Draft: A student asks: Dr. Jerz, For the Final Self-Asse
Dennis G. Jerz on Ex 3-3: Pro/Con II: You may argue against any previous submission. I w
Timothy Koch on Ex 3-3: Pro/Con II: for this paper, can we argue against any of the pr
Dennis G. Jerz on Ex 3-2: Pro/Con Combined: Elyse, one problem is that I've scheduled an in-cl
Elyse Grogan on Ex 3-2: Pro/Con Combined: hi, i was jus wondering if there is any way possib
Dennis G. Jerz on Self-Assessment: Thanks for that feedback, Meghan. Now that we'll b
Meghan Fisher on Self-Assessment: I like when we have give and take in class. Today
Dennis G. Jerz on Ex 2-4: Explain a Position: You can think of this as the "pro" side of an argu