November 4, 2008 Archives

Due Today:

Portfolio 2

1) Print out your revised Paper 1, and add hand-written annotations that respond to my comments. You don't need to answer every single question that I ask, but please do take the opportunity to continue the conversation that's been going on between us as you develop your writing skills.

2) At the bottom (or on the back) of the last page, write a few sentences about what have you learned from the process of writing Paper 1, that will help you to try something different, avoid something unhelpful, or otherwise improve the quality of Paper 2.

3) What are the last five MyCompLab exercises that you completed, why did you choose each one, and what score did you get?  Demonstrate that your MyCompLab work is proceeding according to the concrete and realistic goals you have set for yourself in your ILP, responding to what you learned from your MyCompLab pre-test.  You can type or hand-write this part of the exercise.

4) What are the next five MyCompLab exercises that you plan to do, why did you choose each one, and what score do you hope you will receive?  Demonstrate that your MyCompLab plans are geared towards the concrete and realistic goals you have set for yourself in your ILP.  You can type or hand-write this part of the exercise.

5) Staple all these pages together. If you use a paperclip instead, please put a page number and your name on every page.  (You may put them in a pocket folder if you wish, but please DO NOT insert individual pages into plastic page protectors -- I want to be able to flip through your submissions and make quick hand-written comments, and I can't do that if the pages are sealed inside plastic.)
(Moved from Oct 30)
In-class Activity

Ex 3-2: Pro/Con Combined

Recent Comments

Dennis G. Jerz on Ex 2-4: Explain a Position: You can think of this as the "pro" side of an argu
Elyse Grogan on Ex 2-4: Explain a Position: i am not sure that i understand this assignment co
Dennis G. Jerz on Ex 2-1: Explain (for a novice): Amanda, thanks for letting me know you are interst
Amanda Casper on Ex 2-1: Explain (for a novice): Dr. Jerz, could you please add some basic informat
Candis Bostic on P1: Narrative Essay Revision: Would I be able to resubmit my revision of my narr
Candis Bostic on Ex 1-0: I, Writer: I handed in the wrong paper on for th
Dennis G. Jerz on Portfolio Workshop: Elyse, yes, that's perfectly fine. Sometimes that'
Elyse Grogan on Portfolio Workshop: i had to change my narrative essay because my othe
Dennis G. Jerz on Writing Center Visit: I learned that no matter where you are in the writ
Dennis G. Jerz on ILP Workshop: Glad to hear it, Brittany.
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