25 Aug 2009 [ Prev
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P1: I, Writer (Focus)
Due Thursday. We'll start on it in class.
In about 200 carefully chosen words, teach me who you are as a writer. Use vivid examples that unite to illustrate a single main idea. Do it all in a single, well-crafted paragraph.
The main page for Paragraph 1 includes the full assignment instructions, some background information and tips, and the evaluation rubric, for you to read through on your own. (We won't have time to cover it all in class.)
In about 200 carefully chosen words, teach me who you are as a writer. Use vivid examples that unite to illustrate a single main idea. Do it all in a single, well-crafted paragraph.
The main page for Paragraph 1 includes the full assignment instructions, some background information and tips, and the evaluation rubric, for you to read through on your own. (We won't have time to cover it all in class.)
Categories: in_class
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