20 Oct 2009 [ Prev
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ILP Addendum
Use specific details from your MyCompLab results and exercises, and quote specific passages from your earlier and more recent writing assignments, to support a specific claim about your progress so far.
If you lost points because your ILP Midterm Reflection did not make specific mention to what you learned from MyCompLab, and/or because your reflection did not quote from your own papers to support the claims you made about what you learned, then you have the option of picking up a few extra points by completing this assignment.
Originally the ILP Midterm Reflection was supposed to be out of 80 points, but I've curved the grades by taking the score you earned out of 80 and reporting it as if it were out of 70. Thus, if you got a 60 out of 80, or 75%, I reported it as if you earned a 60 out of 70, which is about 86%.
This is a new assignment that gives you the opportunity to make up those lost points. This assignment asks you to do the kind of writing you'll need to do on your Final Self-Assessment Essay. (It's a good idea to practice it now, when the stakes are much lower.)
This is slot 11a in Turnitin.com.
If you lost points because your ILP Midterm Reflection did not make specific mention to what you learned from MyCompLab, and/or because your reflection did not quote from your own papers to support the claims you made about what you learned, then you have the option of picking up a few extra points by completing this assignment.
Originally the ILP Midterm Reflection was supposed to be out of 80 points, but I've curved the grades by taking the score you earned out of 80 and reporting it as if it were out of 70. Thus, if you got a 60 out of 80, or 75%, I reported it as if you earned a 60 out of 70, which is about 86%.
This is a new assignment that gives you the opportunity to make up those lost points. This assignment asks you to do the kind of writing you'll need to do on your Final Self-Assessment Essay. (It's a good idea to practice it now, when the stakes are much lower.)
This is slot 11a in Turnitin.com.
Categories: due_dates
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