Reflective Portfolios (200 pts)
This component of your grade evaluates your level of engagement with the subject matter, including preparation, attentiveness, and active contributions to a positive learning environment, as well as other matters of academic integrity and respectful behavior, as described in the Seton Hill student handbook.
Portfolio 1 (100 pts)
Portfolio 2 (100 pts)
The portfolio assignments ask you to collect and reflect on a selection of the work you have completed. (More details about the portfolio will be posted as the first due date approaches.)
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lona on Reflective Portfolios (200 pts): this is a great idea. i hope t
Jeremy Barrick
Daniella Choynowski
Chelsea Cooper
Ellen Einsporn
John Fish
Tiffany Gilbert
Madelyn Gillespie
MacKenzie Harbison
Jacquelyn Johns
Vanessa Kolberg
Carrie Kraszewski
Bethany Merryman
Shannon Moskal
Chelsea Oliver
Maria Pezzuti
Michelle Polly
Josh Sanchez
Ethan Shepley
Mitchell Steele
Corey Struss
Jara White
Stephanie Wytovich
this is a great idea. i hope to see more information or discussion on this topic. we are making a portfolio become a graduation requirement for our new curriculum. keep me posted.
lona, I have more details about blogging portfolios here
And the details from a different class that had a detailed blogging portfolio assignment