IANS -- Ch 5 and 6
3 TrackBacks
Listed below are links to blogs that reference this entry: IANS -- Ch 5 and 6.
TrackBack URL for this entry: http://jerz.setonhill.edu/mt-jerz/mt-tb45623.cgi/358
» Creating Optimism from Special K
"Even news that is bad, when put into perspective, can often be shown to have its good side as well" (92). Really, I'm not much of a "silver-lining" kind of girl. If news sounds bad, well, then I take it... Read More
» Poll Dancing. from MitchellSteele
The point we're making here may be less obvious. It's not that two bits of data can contradict one another; it's that the same bit of data can be read in (at least) two ways. (86, chapter 5 IANS) A... Read More
Trackback not working. Here's my entry:
Seriously trackbacks, come on: http://blogs.setonhill.edu/VanessaKolberg/021944.html
Thanks for your continued efforts, Nessa, Your dedication is practically heroic.
It is unfortunate, but our system is being slammed with so much spam from outsiders that it's started treating multiple trackback requests from the SHU domain as if SHU was a huge server farm that was part of the spam attack.
So if your trackback doesn't work immediately, feel free to go right to posting a comment with your URL -- there is no need to try multiple times to generate the trackback.
READ MINE!!!!!!!!
IANS 5 and 6
READ MINE!!!!!!!!
IANS 5 and 6
Pinging Problems Continue...
Dr. Jerz - not only will my trackback not work, but when i click the link to my published blog entry to copy & paste the address to this comments page the link doesn't work, the 'where is that file' page comes up. Should i just copy and paste my blog entry on here?
it worked...finally!
Bethany and Jackie, thanks for being persistent. Yes, Jackie, in a pinch you could leave your comment here, but usually if you either 1) wait a bit or 2) click the curving arrows icon that lets you republish all the pages on the site, things will work out.
Alright, I tried the trackback and I'm exceptionally tired right now, so I'll just leave a comment. Come all ye weary souls looking to review someone else's blog. Lookie here! http://blogs.setonhill.edu/MadelynGillespie/2007/10/i_want_a_glass_of_milk_but_do.html
surprise, surprise, "one or more errors while pinging or sending trackbacks"
Trackback is not working, here is a link: http://blogs.setonhill.edu/MitchellSteele/2007/10/poll_dancing.html
Trackback not workin? Here is a link: http://blogs.setonhill.edu/ShannonMoskal/2007/10/what_am_i_doing_here.html
Trackback not working? here is a link: http://blogs.setonhill.edu/ShannonMoskal/2007/10/what_am_i_doing_here.html
Dear Trackback,
Let's start working.
Love, Chels :)
Dear Trackback,
Let's start working.
Love, Chels
Read my blog entry!
Arrrgh! Trackbacks!! BLOG!
I wrote a test entry. http://blogs.setonhill.edu/MichellePolly/2007/10/test.html
this is my blog site...
Trackback slow-here is a link: http://blogs.setonhill.edu/MichellePolly/2007/10/ch_67.html
Trackback won't work. :(